Your Legacy,
Our Responsibility

100% Free Assurance for Your Loved Ones

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How it Works

The main features of EMD

Before jumping right in, consider reading the cards below to understand how the EMD service works. It should only take a couple of minutes.

Create Contacts & Instructions
After signing up, you can create as many contacts as you need. You can also create instructions for each contact, detailing how to access specific resources like bank accounts, lawyers, location of a will, etc. Do not include passwords and other overly sensitive information. Rather use clues that can only be solved by the contact in question.
Record Assets
You can also record information about specific assets and specify which contacts should be notified of their existence in the event of your unexpected unavailability. This includes vehicles, houses, cash, businesses or partnerships, etc. Again, DO NOT INCLUDE OVERLY SENSITIVE INFORMATION
Automated Checkups
The service will check in with you 3 months after your last activity to make sure you're alive. In the event that no response is received, a representative will try to reach you personally. If that fails as well, one or more of your contacts will be contacted to make sure you're alive. If you are pronounced dead, your contacts will need to provide a valid death certificate in order to access any of the information you left them.
Secure Information Transfer
In the event of your untimely demise, and the confirmation of your death by a valid death certificate, contacts will need to verifiy their identity either by email, phone, ID or they must answer a security question set by you. All these options are configurable by you to ensure that only the right contacts get what was intended for them.


Frequestly Asked Questions

Read through this F.A.Q section for any question you might have. Didn't find the answers you need? Send us an email.

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